Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Hunger Games

For some reason I couldn't really get into the Hunger Games, maybe the plot was a little to far fetched or something. The income divide and quality of life in the book certainly wide ranging and horrifying. I wonder if the author is trying to make some critique of our own society and the growing income gap. I think the reason this book is so popular among teens is because it puts usual high school problems into perspective and provides thrills. I think the book will grab my interest in the next set of chapters.


  1. Man I could not put it down. I had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. I read the whole thing. Granted the part in the capital gets a little slow but it picks back up. I do not think the story is terribly far fetched though. The Romans had the gladitorial games which are similar to the Hunger Games in a certain way. The Spartan's trained there kids combat from a young age and made them fight each other sometimes to the death. And it is not uncommon for governments to be oppressive or sadistic to their people in an effort to keep them from rebelling again.

  2. The first book is good but my favorite by far is the second hunger games book, Catching Fire. That is exciting and has so much action! Maybe The Hunger Games is supposed to be "future America"

  3. Yeah I think the drama between Katniss and her boy troubles are a bit aimed towards a younger group. Though I do admit that Suzanne Collins did a nice job of keeping it in perspective to the survival theme and the themes of food.
